Yauger's Reports
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Engaging The Green Gate Keepers
Buyer Prefrences in the Cannabis Industry Related to Processor/Producer Products and Sales Methods
A Green Guage Report
Dear Lemonhaze Visiter,
When you look back over the course of our nation’s economy, it is very common to see companies that are now famous for providing a certain product but originally had started by selling a completely different product. A good example of this is the cosmetics company Avon. Started as a door-to-door book selling company in 1886, Avon used perfume as a giveaway to lure female customers in to buy their books. Before long the perfume became more popular than their books and the pivot created the Avon that we know today.
Lemonhaze had a very similar start. We founded in 2015 to provide sales data to the industry and we began putting on events for the purpose of promoting and marketing our data to the different segments of the industry. While many of our customers were very interested in our data, similar to Avon, it quickly became apparent that our events were much more popular. Subsequently in 2018 we pivoted to events almost full time.
However, data never left the DNA of our company
Currently there are several companies like Headset, New Frontier and BDS Analytics that provide great quantitative data to the industry. Several of them are Lemonhaze exhibitors and we are big fans of them.
But we also wanted to share some of the information that we had learned over the last few years. Lemonhaze has been leveraging our own vast database of segmented industry employees from all over the country to get insights into why the industry performs in the manner it does so that we may provide a better product to our customers. It has always been evident that the qualitative data we were gathering for our own internal use could be very interesting and useful to our customers and we want to share that with you.
We are launching a new series of commissioned quarterly white papers called the Yauger's Reports. These white papers are commissioned from various data analysts and researchers from around the country that use our database of buyers, budtenders, executives, and employees for polling and focus groups. Our goal is to bring insights into why certain decision makers make the decisions they make.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed creating them!